Ron Noordhoek

Yachtmaster Ocean

Looking for someone experienced to accompany you?

Sharing my Experience and Love for the ocean

To accompany you on your next step in sailing.

First and foremost: SAFETY is the topic that’s always on the list. As skipper your first responsibility is the safety of the vessel and crew. The vessel is obvious, the crew far less. It’s important that your safety briefing fits the crew, not the other way around!

Sailing is all about feeling comfortable and enjoy what you’re doing!

My Business

My business is small and I want to keep it that way. My service is always custom, contact me and share your plans. Up to now we have always managed a satisfying deal for all parties. As a small business I officially do not have to charge VAT.

I can bring my own navigation laptop, including ais RX (as backup), I carry a Garmin inreach mini so your family can always see where you are. I have my own handheld VHF and can bring a sat phone if you like. Last but not least, I have a skipper commercial liability insurance with Pantaenius; policy nr 11704110-11

Ron Noordhoek, retired project manager (LLM, MBA)
Married to Marischka Scheltus
Kids: Rutger, Laurens, Eline, Ashley and Yentl
Grandkids: Floor, Luuk, Lukas and Thiago
Nationality: Dutch
Languages: Dutch, English and German
CoC: Netherlands 82202044

A life of Sailing

I started sailing when I was about 10 years old on the lakes in western holland. After attending serious sailing lessons at the ‘First Friese Sailing School’ I ended up being an instructor. Growing up I changed to sailing yachts, in the IJselmeer, and along the Dutch North Sea coast.

Eventually I pushed my limits, crossing the Channel and Bay of Biscay. A trip from Madeira to the Canaries made me fall in love with the ocean. I wanted to sail around the Atlantic. And I did , with my own boat, a Beneteau Oceanis 46, from 2011 to 2012. Starting at Scheveningen to Tobago, via the UK, Spain, Portugal, the Canaries. From Tobago hopping islands up to St Martin and then back to Scheveningen via The Azores. Since than I crossed the Atlantic multiple times.

Next stop of course would be a circumnavigation.

In the mean time I like to share my experience and be of help to those who want to push their limits, be it a first time out at night, crossing the Channel or an ocean passage.



Certified 2020

RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Commercially Endorsed

yachtmaster ocean certificate

Certified – Updated May 2021

STWC basic safety and sea survival training + STCW medical first aid + STCW medical care at sea

Certified – June 2021

Dutch VHF license + Dutch HAM radio license


Theoretical Coastal Navigation + International Operator Pleasure Craft

Sea You Sailing and Keep you Sailing

All systems on board

Anyone who did some long distance sailing knows that it’s only 50% about the sailing. The other 50% is about ‘keeping the boat afloat.’
Due to the harsh environment of salty water and salty air, everything eventually breaks down and, of course, that usually happens at the worst possible moment, when it’s gusting, the waters are rough and naturally, in the middle of the night.

Usually, there’s no reason to panic, but some things do need to be fixed as soon as possible. This means that, as a sailor, you also need to know your way around as a mechanic, electrician, plumber, IT expert, and more.
Over the years, I’ve gained a solid understanding of the systems on board and have completed several courses and certifications: maritime mechanic, advanced marine electrics, advanced NMEA 2000 installer.

I also have the tools and equipment necessary for performing maintenance, fixing the most common issues, and troubleshooting e.g. why the plotter or another instrument suddenly stops working.
If you have a problem or a question, don’t hesitate to call or email me. If I can, I’d be happy to help. And if I can’t fix it myself, I might still be able to identify the root cause.


For a Yacht master ocean certificate you also have to prove you’ve done two sightings. During our crossing the Atlantic, we did two sightings a day! Just for fun. Checking your calculated position with the GPS can be hilarious, but on average I was less than 10-15 Nm off. Which on the ocean is quite accurate. I even did a sight on the stars, that is ..
I tried … I’d definitely need more practice there.


Meteorology is fun to study too but obviously also an important topic to understand as a sailor. Understanding the dynamics in the troposphere becomes more essential on longer passages. Even for crossing the Bay of Biscay it can be especially helpful to know how to read and interpretate the weather models you can download from XyGrib. Upper winds can sometimes be more important for forecasting where a Low is heading to. Also it teaches you what quarter the ‘safest’ is to sail when facing a storm. Over time I read a number of books and took several courses on this topic and it helps me to be a better sailor. There’s always something to learn!


Sailing on the ocean at night between 10° – 15° latitude with no light pollution at all is amazing!! When the moon is up you can actually read a book, just from the light of the moon. And when the moon sets, the sheer number of stars is dazzling. We had a celestial chart (and an app on our phone) to identify the most obvious ones. It’s real fun to get the hang of it. It also makes you respect the way they navigated in ancient times.

navigation sea ron noordhoek


Crew True Companion and de Potvis

I sailed two long journeys with Ron. Both trips had challenging conditions. The first voyage was from the Canary Islands (November) to Tobago, and the second from La Rochelle to IJmuiden (January).

What stands out about Ron is that he invests a lot of time in preparation, involving the boat owner thoroughly in the process. Ron is a true seaman who pays close attention to the well-being of the crew on board. He effectively solves any technical challenges that arise during the journey. Safety is a top priority for Ron—he never compromises on it. For example, he adjusts the sails in time to match the conditions.

Ron ensures a well-structured watch schedule so that everyone gets enough rest. There is always plenty of food on board. There’s a lot of laughter, and everyone looks out for one another. When arriving at the destination, there is a strong sense of team effort among the crew.

In short, it’s always a pleasure to step aboard with Ron

True Companion

de Potvis

Crew Emily

Hi Ron, my dear friend,

It was a real pleasure to get to know you, at least a little, in person.
Our encounter was an enriching experience for me, from the very beginning to the last day on our sailboat.

Here is the story, summarized for other readers: it’s about an Atlantic crossing where Ron saved the lives of the entire crew – twice(!) – though he never actually completed the crossing with us.

We had planned an Atlantic crossing as part of a sailboat delivery for our friend, traveling from the Caribbean islands to Europe in the spring of 2024. A crew of five Czechs, not very experienced sailors and never having attempted a crossing before, were looking for professional guidance.
But first things first. I must admit that the boat itself was in a neglected state. We spent days – weeks – getting it into shape.
Once we thought we were ready, Ron came on board.

He double-checked everything and discovered water in the oil of our sail drive! We had completely overlooked this. If left unchecked, it could have caused us to lose power in the middle of the ocean. No engine power means no maneuverability in calm weather, and since the boat had no solar panels or generator, we would have also lost the ability to charge our batteries. Without batteries, there’s no navigation, no autopilot, no lights, no fridge – nothing.

We had it repaired, tested everything, and all seemed fine. Finally, we were ready to go. Our long-awaited adventure was about to begin.
We sailed for the first day, and everything seemed fine. Then came the first evening – and suddenly, water appeared below deck. We searched everywhere, checked all the valves, and inspected every corner, but we couldn’t find the source of the leak. That’s when Ron made his second life-saving decision: he ordered us to turn back and return to the marina.

You can imagine how we felt. Our adventure had ended just as it had begun. But later, we all agreed that continuing the voyage in such a condition would have been extremely dangerous. Back at the marina, we had the boat hauled out and did a close inspection. It revealed a failure where the back transom was sealed to the hull – the joint had separated!
If we had continued, the boat could have fallen apart in the worst-case scenario or taken on so much water that we wouldn’t have been able to pump it out in time.

As you can see, hiring Ron was the best decision we could have made. His calm decision-making, clear leadership, and kind heart convinced us that we had done the right thing by having him on board.
Ron will stay deeply in our hearts, and I can wholeheartedly recommend his wisdom, guidance, and companionship to anyone embarking on a sailing adventure.

Thank you very much once again, Ron!


marc & caroline
Marc & Caroline
Owners Axonite

We would like to take this opportunity to highly recommend Ron as a very reliable, charming & fully capable skipper in all aspects of crewing and boat needs.
Apart from Ron being very well versed in the mechanical and engineering side of how a boat functions he was very good in grasping how our custom built boat works. Always keen to assist in any way possible. Fanatic about sailing and most of all the safety side of things.
Very patient, happy to teach Caroline a few things which she really loved and most of all such a wonderful positive and fun loving character. We cannot wait to have Ron back with us and in the meantime wish him all the very best in his endeavours!!


Crew Rhapsody

I sailed over 4,600nm with Captain Ron on a transatlantic yacht delivery. Ron was very knowledgeable about boat systems, weather routing, offshore passage-making, safety protocols, and sail trim. Ron was also quick to diagnose and fix a number of issues that arose with the yacht.
Ron enjoys being on the ocean and sails for the joy and beauty of sailing while remaining calm and composed. I would welcome the opportunity to sail with Captain Ron again.
Bob Ratcliffe
Professional Yachtsman/instructor and adventurer

Well, ladies and gentleman, gather round because I’ve got a tale to tell you about a recent nautical adventure that took me from the serene waters of Kiel, Germany, to the shores of Southampton UK on the professional delivery of a brand new 46 foot yacht. Let me tell you, it’s not every day you come across a skipper like Ron.
Now as a professional skipper myself, I tend to have a keen eye for critiquing my fellow sailors. It’s not just about the technical skills, mind you, but also those soft skills that can make or break a voyage.
First and foremost, from a professional standpoint, if I owned a prized and cherished expensive yacht, I’d trust Ron with my prized yacht any day if the week. This man know his stuff and he’s got that quiet confidence that comes from years of experience. You know the type, they’ve seen it all and they’ve sailed through it all and whilst not boasting about it over a bar room beer demonstrates it, where it counts, on a yacht at sea its in his DNA.
But it’s not just about the job. It’s about the company you keep on these trips. Let me tell you, Ron is good company. He’s the kind of skipper who makes you feel like part of the crew no matter your level of experience. He’s inclusive, empowering and he knows how to strike that perfect balance between relaxation and safety. Which is a rare skill.
From a personal standpoint I’d jump at the chance to do another trip with Ron. No hesitation whatsoever. He’s the sort of bloke out want to share a drink with after a day on the water swapping stories and laughing at the adventures you’ve had.
Now when it comes to safety, He’s got that safety conscious mindset and yo can see it in the way he runs the yacht.

In my four decades of sailing and the last ten of those as a professional yachtsman, I can count on one hand the number of skippers who check all the boxes of professional skills, personal camaraderies and the safety mindset. Ron, my friends, is unconditionally included in that select group.
If you ever have the chance to sail with Ron, grab it with both hands, you won’t be disappointed.
Oh I almost forgot. What he can do in the galley with a can of tuna some pasta and culinary creativity is something to behold.


Crew Karin

This was my first Yacht delivery job and I was soon to discover that I had lucked out having Ron as my skipper. Right from the start, the signs of a professional skipper were there – from the large bags he brought with kit for all eventualities, including his own tool bag, through to the pre delivery handover where gaps in the inventory were quickly identified and persuasively commandeered from the departure port along with the great care he took for the boat itself. For the passages themselves, Ron explained his preferred watch system which worked beautifully, and clearly laid out his plan for each day. Apart from the professionalism, Ron was great company on the boat always willing to share his infectious love of the sea and all the knowledge gained from his life of sailing. I certainly hope I get the chance to sail again with Ron soon.


Tom & Kiki
Owners Sabi

Vanaf het eerste contactmoment met Ron nam hij onze zorgen en taken uit handen, we wilde onze Sabi, Standfast 50 van Brest weer terug in Hellevoetsluis hebben en Ron regelt het.
Wat een verademing was dat voor ons, iemand die aanpakt, snel zaken regelt en heel duidelijk en fijn is in de communicatie. Binnen no time had hij een crew geregeld en was er een datum geprikt waarop de boot naar huis zou varen.
Het was voor ons een behoorlijk stap om de boot (een oudje met nogal wat gebruiksaanwijzingen) aan iemand anders toe te vertrouwen maar Ron’s kennis en ervaring gaf ons direct een goed gevoel en zo konden we met een gerust hart loslaten.
Jammer genoeg hebben we niet mee kunnen liften van op zijn expertise op het water zelf, maar dat komt vast nog een keer! Zelfs zonder mee te hebben gevaren met hem is ons vertrouwen gegroeid doordat hij ons feedback kon geven over het schip en haar vaardigheden. Nogmaals mega bedankt Ron!


Crew Penelope

Ron was a great skipper to have on board. He is very knowledgeable, lives and breathes sailing. For him sailing is a way of life and he’s passionate about all aspects of it. He fits very comfortably into the crew and we enjoyed playing chess on the voyage 🙂


Owner Penelope

Ron was extremely knowledgeable and easy to get along with during the five weeks we spent crossing the Atlantic. He made everyone onboard feel comfortable and safe, particularly during periods of heavy weather.


Crew Stealaway

Ron is a very nice sailor with a lot of experiences to learn from and lots of good stories to share.

Putting a high priority on safety for people and the boat, we felt very safe and comfortable during the whole passage. And beyond the necessary safety considerations, he very much wants everyone to have a good time and enjoy themselves, which brought a very nice atmosphere to the boat.

Thanks for a great time crossing the Atlantic Ocean!


Crew Stealaway

Ron is an excellent Skipper and friend. He promotes the joy of sailing, no matter the weather and instils a sense of confidence in the crew. Moreover, his clear level of experience and his way on the water further increases the ability for all to enjoy the passage.

A particular skill of Ron’s is his talent at nurturing, and looking after crew moral, an imperative on longer journeys. It was a total pleasure to sail with him, one I wish to have again in the future.


Crew Sabi

Ron makes any sailing an exceptional experience. Sailing is in his soul. He becomes one with the boat, the crew, the weather. His calm and confidence are apparent regardless if in easy sailing or in a storm. He’s a true man of the sea and can read the environment not only based on his vast experience but also intuitively. His decision making  is spot on. On personal level he creates a positive and relaxed atmosphere, a space of harmony you don’t want to leave. I’m so grateful I could experience sailing with Ron two times!


Chris & Anne
Chris & Anne
Owners Annie’s Song

We met Ron on the World ARC and decided to sail with him when we returned. His calm and thoughtful manner, combined with his huge knowledge both in terms of all aspects of sailing and as importantly, boat maintenance make him simply a great guy to have on board.
We have no hesitation in recommending him either to join you as skipper or as a trainer on board your own boat.

Annie’s Song


Owner Windval

I had the pleasure of working with Ron when I purchased my new 33ft sailing boat in Amsterdam and needed help bringing it back to Portsmouth. While I had some sailing experience, I wanted someone with deep knowledge and expertise to assist me on this important journey. Ron was exactly that person.

From the start, it was clear that Ron is highly experienced, knowledgeable, and incredibly organised. His skills were indispensable, especially given that the boat didn’t have an autopilot, meaning we had to hand-steer the entire 310NM passage. Despite the added challenge, Ron’s calm and professional approach made the trip not only manageable but also enjoyable. He was always one step ahead, ensuring that everything was done safely and efficiently.

I couldn’t have asked for a better skipper to help with the delivery. If you’re looking for someone reliable, skilled, and easy to work with, I highly recommend Ron.


Owner Gräfin

Ron Noordhoek… a legend under pressure! So you’ve read Rons account of how we sailed across the North Sea and the power failed, one after the other instruments failed, the compass failed, and slowly but surely we slipped back in time to pre-digital sailing, pre-industrial sailing, pre-Columbian sailing. I’ll confess I was worried, asking what should we do? And Ron’s response, what can we do? Lights? Well, they are so small that realistically the big ships won’t see them anyway. Radio? Well, even if we did hail them, they’re so fast under way with such momentum, they cannot stop or dodge us. Compass? The North Star is here, so we’re heading there… Ron Noordhoek… a coach of cool and calm. Ron was great at getting out the way and allowing me to teach myself. He never once took the helm without being offered, never once gave advice without being asked, never once told me I’d done it wrong. So I learned pretty quick… Ron Noordhoek… a companionable sailor. Ron knew a good yarn or two, was good company and ran a good ship. Definitely a sailor to share a passage with.


John & Nicole
Owners Freedom

We hired Ron to be a crew member on our first crossing from Cape Verde to Barbados in February 2022. He was very easy to communicate with and was very accommodating to our tight timeline, getting a flight to Cape Verde within a couple of days, filling out all the required insurance forms very promptly. He fit right in with all the crew, captain and us (the owners) from the first moment and really helped navigate all the personalities on the boat for the duration of the 17 day trip with his calm demeanor. In addition, he is a VERY knowledgeable sailor, he was super safety conscious and prepared for anything (from being able to work without any instruments because he was taking sextant readings daily (and teaching the rest of us how to do it too), to having medications on board for any injury that may occur. He treated the boat with respect and we had no trouble sleeping soundly while he was on watch. Whether you are looking for a captain, crew member, training captain, or a delivery skipper, we highly recommend Ron for the job!


Skipper Freedom

Ron joined SY Freedom a BALI 4.8 in Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands as first mate to cross the Atlantic into Barbados. The owners and I had sifted through many CVs and Rons made it to the top as the most experienced and friendly. His relaxed and confident demeanour was an excellent addition to the crew. I enjoyed his company, trusted his experience and would definitely sail with him again. Ron is far beyond capable in all aspects of navigation, maintenance and crew management and no doubt would be a great addition to captain or crew a vessel.


review ron noordhoek
Owner Skylark

I Had a lovely sail with Ron along the south coast of Spain to Gibraltar, where I jumped ship and some other crew joined. They sailed up the coast of Portugal to A Coruna where the trip unfortunately ended early due to gearbox failure. Ron was a pleasure to work with throughout, very professional yet flexible and laid-back. I was confident that my little ship was in safe hands. I would have no hesitation using him again or recommending him.


delivery skylark
Crew Skylark

Ron made us feel so at ease – something that is vital on board. His calm demeanour and abundance of knowledge and experience along with humorous personality makes him a fantastic skipper. He is an excellent teacher, willing to answer any questions and never make you feel stupid. He gives the crew confidence in them selves and made us feel safe at all times. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to sail with Ron.


delivery skylark
Crew Skylark

Ron is a technical and theoretical fantastic skipper that I had no problem putting all my trust and faith in his ability to command a vessel. Not only is he grate to work with but he also he was a really joy to be around while on passage and in port.


Crew Ithaka

Ron was a brilliant skipper during our passage from Workum to Falmouth, very competent, always calm, which inspired confidence in the crew and provided friendship for the sail too. I would without a doubt sail with Ron again!


Marc & Clare
Owners Amanzi

Ron is a great guy to have on the boat. He is good company, never has to be asked to do something (he has already done it by the time you think of asking). He is very reliable on the helm and you can sleep comfortably when he is on his night watch, apart from when he is fiddling with his personal MOB tag. He is always busy improving or maintaining bits and pieces on the boat, there’s always something on the list. Furthermore he is also very flexible and helped us out getting from Holland to Portugal in several stages over a period of 3 months in 2020.


Owner Ithaka

Thanks you so much Ron for that great  handover list. It’s worked out very well for us to have you onboard as it would have taken us ages to figure all that out for ourselves. It was great to meet you and I can’t thank you enough for the safe delivery and debrief on how we can get this little yacht into good shape. It would be great to keep in contact and follow you so I too can live vicariously sailing around the world.


Crew Ithaka

Ron was a pleasure to sail with. His calm demeanour and leadership skills made me feel at ease and at ease during the passage. The trust that he puts in the crew makes everyone feel confident and makes the whole experience more enjoyable.


Owner Gaia

Besides just being good company, Ron is first and foremost a sailor who combines experience and knowledge with sheer fun in sailing and a calm attitude.


Crew Harvester 1

I sailed 2 weeks with Ron in the winter from the Netherlands to Portugal. Ron is an outstanding and very knowledgeable skipper, as well as a great person to spend time with. What’s most impressive to me about Ron is how calm he remains in difficult situations, be it related to sailing or to crew. His knowledge and vast experience were clear from the beginning and I felt very safe and reassured at all times. I really enjoyed our long conversations on many different subjects. Ron was also extremely helpful during my search for a boat, advising me on the pros and cons of different options for my plans.

Harvester 1

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